趙雨淋 助理教授


✉ yulinzhao@cityu.edu.mo
☎ +853-8590 2249



2018 工學博士, 廣東工業大學, 中國
2014 藝術學碩士, 華南理工大學, 中國
2009 文學學士, 山東工藝美術學院, 中國



澳門城市大學新設計學院 助理教授






Zhao, Y., Luh, D., Sun, Y., & Sun, F. (2022). Verification of Xiphoid Point as a New Measuring Point for Chest Shape Measurement. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022. (SCI/EI)

Zhao, Y., Luh, D., Sun, Y., & Sun, F. (2022). A Design Thinking Technique of Letting Problems Solved by Self. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022. (SCI/EI)

Wu, C. H., Chao, Y. L.*, Xiong, J. T., & Luh, D. B. (2022). Gamification of Culture: A Strategy for Cultural Preservation and Local Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 15(1), 650. (SCI)

Sun, F., Luh, D. B., Zhao, Y., & Sun, Y. (2022). Product Classification With the Motivation of Target Consumers by Deep Learning. IEEE Access, 10, 62258-62267. (SCI)

趙雨淋, 陸定邦, 孫悅 & 孫斐. (2022).廣東地區發育期少女內衣需求調查. 針織工業(05),70-74. (北大核心)

趙雨淋, 孫悅 & 陸定邦. (2021).基於鏡子理論的胸型量測裝置設計. 包裝工程(12),70-77. doi:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2021.12.009. (北大核心)

孫斐, 陸定邦, 趙雨淋 & 孫悅. (2022).深度學習技術下的消費者動機設計模型研究. 工業工程(06),120-125. (北大核心)

孫悅, 趙雨淋 & 陸定邦.(2022).刻瓷藝術及其審美. 絲網印刷(17),44-47.

Zhao, Y., Luh, D., & Sun, Y. (2022). Development and Verification of Measurement Tools for Human Dynamic Development. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 185-198). Cham: Springer International Publishing. (EI)

Luh, D. B., & Zhao, Y. L. (2020). Design and Research of Tools for Auxiliary Bra Wearing. In Advances in Ergonomics in Design: Proceedings of the AHFE 2020 Virtual Conference on Ergonomics in Design, July 16–20, 2020, USA (pp. 49-55). Springer International Publishing. (EI)

Luh, D. B., & Zhao, Y. L. (2020). On Girls Bra Design for the Demand of User. In Advances in Ergonomics in Design: Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Ergonomics in Design, July 24-28, 2019, Washington DC, USA 10 (pp. 761-768). Springer International Publishing. (EI)

Sun, Y., Luh, D. B., & Zhao, Y. L. (2021). The design of sleep pillow based on human physiological curvature. In Advances in Ergonomics in Design: Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conference on Ergonomics in Design, July 25-29, 2021, USA (pp. 681-685). Springer International Publishing. (EI)

Lv, X. H., Luh, D. B., & Zhao, Y. L. (2021). Transformation of Users’ Technical Knowledge into Design-With an Example from Bra Assistive Device. In Advances in Industrial Design: Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Design for Inclusion, Affective and Pleasurable Design, Interdisciplinary Practice in Industrial Design, Kansei Engineering, and Human Factors for Apparel and Textile Engineering, July 25-29, 2021, USA (pp. 252-258). Springer International Publishing. (EI)

Sun, F., Luh, D. B., Zhao, Y., & Sun, Y. (2022). Study on the Deep Learning Product Classification Based on the Motivation of Consumers. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 537-545). Cham: Springer International Publishing. (EI)

Zhao, Y. L., Ding-Bang, L., & Wu, C. H. (2020). Research on Product Innovation Method of Parts Reorganization. In Education and Awareness of Sustainability: Proceedings of the 3rd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2020 (ECEI 2020) (pp. 619-622). (CPCI)

Zhao, Y. L., Ding-Bang, L., & Wu, C. H. (2020). Design of female breast measuring stick. In Education and Awareness of Sustainability: Proceedings of the 3rd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2020 (ECEI 2020) (pp. 281-284). (CPCI)

Men, D., & Zhao, Y. (2016). Research on the Influence of Phone Screen Color Combination on Visual Identification of the Aged. Social Sciences, 4(4), 119-122. (CPCI)

Zhao, Y., & Men, D. (2016). Analysis and research on the gesture-based interaction of touch-screen smartphones for the elderly based on ergonomics. In Advances in Ergonomics in Design: Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Ergonomics in Design, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA (pp. 415-426). Springer International Publishing. (EI)


女性乳房體積計算及判斷系統V1.0,登記號:2022SR0923138. (軟體著作權)

A Breast Volume Measuring Tool, PT-CP-ZA00004332. (國際發明專利)

An auxiliary device for brassiere wearing, PT-CP-ZA00005029. (國際發明專利)

一種不規則物體的角度測量裝置, ZL 202210828681.5. (發明專利)

一種雙反饋實驗室地面局部平整度測量機構, ZL 202210707739.0. (發明專利)

一種測量点打钉标记设备, ZL 202210935145.5. (發明專利)

一種用於眉筆內芯的表面平整度檢測裝置, ZL 202211118162.6. (發明專利)

一種縱橫定點式塔尺垂直度自動校準裝置, ZL 202211067978.0. (發明專利)

一種人體尺寸自動測量機構,202210716825.8. (發明專利)

一種獨臂人士化妝輔助裝置,202210695193.1. (發明專利)

一種便攜充氣式人臺,ZL 202021026630.3. (實用新型專利)

一種乳房量尺,ZL 202021273896.8. (實用新型專利)

一種側扣式文胸,ZL 201921005661.8. (實用新型專利)

一種單手穿戴文胸的輔助裝置,ZL 201921100688.5. (實用新型專利)

一種可隔著衣服調節的文胸,ZL 201921005663.7. (實用新型專利)

一種可拆卸組合的書包內袋,ZL 201921146518.0. (實用新型專利)

一種可單手穿戴的文胸,ZL 201922062977.7. (實用新型專利)

一種側部調節文胸,ZL 201922009571.2. (實用新型專利)

一種單手穿戴文胸的輔具,ZL 201922009572.7. (實用新型專利)

適合發育期少女穿戴的功能性內衣,ZL 202021146518.6. (實用新型專利)

身體平衡檢測裝置,ZL 202021026637.4. (實用新型專利)

一種立體馬丁尺,ZL 201921105823.7. (實用新型專利)

一種改進結構的背包肩帶,ZL 201921126124.9. (實用新型專利)

一種新型自鎖拉鏈結構,ZL 201921146516.1. (實用新型專利)

一種背包肩帶的連接裝置,ZL 201921100727.1. (實用新型專利)

一種背包肩帶的連接和調節裝置,ZL 201921126281.X. (實用新型專利)

一種上肢柔軟度測量工具及其手機APP,ZL 202021123562.7. (實用新型專利)

一種用於身體測量的電子尺,ZL 202221820586.0. (實用新型專利)

一種可穿戴式自我測量裝置,ZL 202221820329.9. (實用新型專利)



2019年至今 中國人類工效學學會 (Chinese Ergonomics Society, CES)


